Saturday, August 15, 2009

What happens if you go into your control panel and remove Security Update for windows XP?

There are like 10 or 15 of those in my add or remove programs in my control panel. Is it bad to remove them? Will it mess up my computer because it says if you remove this,some of your programs might not run correctly.

What happens if you go into your control panel and remove Security Update for windows XP?firewall

It depends on which updates you remove and also when you installed the software.

Some of the updates have to do with security and others are more for better functionality.

Most of the time removing the update will not hurt your applications, but removing things like Service Packs can cause a lot of problems and lead to you needing to reinstall applications.

What happens if you go into your control panel and remove Security Update for windows XP?husqvarna

Don't remove them. They are there for a reason. Just by reading it you can tell. S-E-C-U-R-I-T-Y. Uncheck the box at the top of Add/Remove Programs to not Show Updates.
Those are security updates for XP. It's safe to remove them, but the system will be more vulnerable. It's advisable to leave them as they are because they usually don'e take much space from the hdd (they are usually either improved versions of files that already existed on your pc or some dlls...)
The security update is removed if you do that.
The security update will be removed and Microsoft being the great dominating company they are will redownload them and reinstall them on your computer the next time you go online.

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