Saturday, August 15, 2009

Were you aware of the fact that The Department of Homeland Security was created post 9-11?

and that it has in fact taken away many of what was previously considered to be, "absolute", constitutional rights??? For, e.g; that through the Patriot Act, also, post 9-11, you no longer have a right to privacy on your computer/internet, or a right to privacy on your cellular telephone, as those are not considered to be, "a reasonable expectation", to have privacy on those devices?

Were you aware of the fact that The Department of Homeland Security was created post 9-11?free antivirus download

Kind of appropriate that the Department has the same name as a Nazi Department used to spy on citizens. Hilter established his Homeland Security Department after he burned down the Reichstag (their cCapitol Building) and blamed it on terrorists.

Were you aware of the fact that The Department of Homeland Security was created post 9-11?internet security

Yes I am aware of that. I would gladly give away some of my privacy, in order that our "homeland" could be safe from terrorists. Many people don't realize the danger in terrorism, it is a very real threat in our society in the US.....and it is something that everyone should take very seriously.
If your point is that by creating Dept. of Homeland security we may have given up on some of our basic freedoms, then you are absolutely correct. The counter argument is simply this; Times, they are a changing! Can you even imagine today the thought of walking on and off an airplane without being checked? I am not talking a long time ago. Metal detectors were introduced at airports only in 1970, after Yasser Arafat and his merry men, hijacked 4 Jumbo jets to a deserted airstrip in Gaza. Up until then you could probably carry a weapon on board and no one would question you. I bet that back then having to go through metal detectors was a real inconvenience too. Why was our security so lax back then? Because it just was. There were no suicide bombers, or these fanatics who would fly an airplane full of people into a building. Terrorists have become more and more aggressive and their methods are more and more sophisticated. So naturally we have to make adjustments in our strategies to protect ourselves. If it means having to give up some of our privacy, then so be it. It will not change the basic foundation of our constitution or the way "We the people" will function as a freedom-loving democracy. We have only changed the way we enjoy that freedom. Our basic right to that freedom is very much in tact, despite the Department of Homeland security. I would invite you to place a positive trust in our wonderful constitution.
Yes, I was awake during the whole thing.

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