Monday, August 17, 2009

I can't stay logged on my computer I think I may have a virus. Can anyone help?

Its not because of my security settings. It does that even though I've saved my password and stuff like that.

I can't stay logged on my computer I think I may have a virus. Can anyone help?computer security

Might be a big help to let us know how you connect to the net! Wireless router? dialup? what?

Johnny Cee! Shut the h up! you dont do a system restore because your connection drops you idiot! Why do you dumasses insist on tellin everyone to do a restore or reformat? I hope you have to do one some day! Maybe you will learn to shut your big mouth in matters you know nothing about!

I can't stay logged on my computer I think I may have a virus. Can anyone help?free spyware remobal

i suggest that you have spyware installed into the computer and keep it running all the time or most. i also suggest that you install a virus scanner in general just to check out and files that have been being destroyed and it can fix it.
Try using latest anti viruses to repair ne viruses found..if it doesnt workout then try reintsalling the OS..u will lose all the data if u reinstall the OS, so take a backup of ur important files...and after reinstalling have the latest antivirus upto date on ur machine
I think you should take some medicines first.. (LOL, just kidding...)
I agree with HEAC. I suggest that, better, you adopt a system restore operation. It is safe and the problems can be rectified. You have to carefully select the date of restore. Ensure that the PC was functioning normally on the selected date for restoration. If you want to know an effective procedure for system restore please visit the following site.

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