Saturday, August 15, 2009

What is the optimum temp. for a computer?

Going a little more into detail about my question...I recently upgraded my video card to a GeForce 8600GTS, which has silent-pipe 3 technology rather than a fan. I noticed my motherboard would loudly beep as a security precaution whenever it would get to 37.3C (100F)! Now looking online at processors, fans %26 cooling systems I see some people review saying that "The ...... I bought cooled my system down to 40-50C, but wouldn't that be wayyy too hot for a comp. system to run @, if not, how do I turn off the beep from my MoBo? Thanks for answering.

What is the optimum temp. for a computer?matchless

It depends on what component you're talking about. For the processor, most have a max temp somewhere in the range of 65掳C - 75掳C. However, normal operating temp should be under 60掳C in most cases. For example, I have an Athlon 64 3200+ (Venice) that runs right around 45掳C.

The motherboard and video card can be separate. Typically it should be even lower for them.

Opening the side of the PC for better venting is NOT recommended. The point of a good case is to have an intake fan on the front and an exhaust fan in the back (usually the power supply). When you take the side off, you are disrupting the flow of air because now the fans do nothing for you (takes away the "wind tunnel" effect)

What is the optimum temp. for a computer?norton 2008

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