Saturday, August 15, 2009

What is the best site for ordering computer hardware online in Europe? Specifically in Berlin, Germa

I am looking for a DVD burner for a laptop, and they don't seem to sell them in stores here. Newegg only ships to the U.S., and Ebay doesn't have the security to return it if it doesn't work.

What is the best site for ordering computer hardware online in Europe? Specifically in Berlin, Germany?free spyware remover

Before you give up hope I suggest you try Saturn or MediaMarkt. They are sort of like the "Best Buy" of Germany. :-) (Actual stores, not web sites.) I have a lot fo friends who live in Germany and order DVDs and the such from I just did a quick search there and they sell DVD burners. So that may also be a viable option for you. I believe they ship globally.

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