I have a Netgear Wireless Router, its not security enabled so no wireless network key is needed... is it??
It will connect to the network and I have internet but it comes up as 'Not Connected'.
Its very dodgey, it will connect for about 10 minutes then disconnect... does anyone have any ideas on how to fix the problem??
Thank you to everyone who answers!
I have a Netgear Wireless Router? My computer wont connect... please help!!!?ariel
Ah, the horrors of Netgear.
I have one too. And I have the exact same problems you do.
People on my AIM list that have it will sign out and then sign right back in in the middle of conversations because their router disconnects them.
I've called tech support many times, and the problem you described still occurs (occasionally, it's gotten better with only doing that once a month :-I )
I have a Netgear Wireless Router? My computer wont connect... please help!!!?computers
If your router is new, netgear should provide you with free technical support.
its the best way to solve your problem. all you will need is to register free with them and the serial number at the bottom of the router.
i would advise u to set up the password for WI-FI.
stops unwanted connection on your network.
I will point out that i am on Netgear and have never had any problem watsoever.
advise us on the model plz! also i would suggest u post your query on computer forums (c link below!). there are great people who could help u there! its free and u will target the right people.
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