Saturday, August 15, 2009

How does the digipass communicate with the computer??

I'm talking about the vasco security technology called "token" for internet banking.....

How does the digipass communicate with the computer??internet security 2006

It doesn't communicate with the computer apart from you typing in the passcode.

The server you are connecting to connects to an authentication server that knows what code your token should display and your PIN etc. If what you type in matches what it thinks you should type in then you're in. If not then your out!

How does the digipass communicate with the computer??microsoft

Each token has unique seed number and a clock. These 2 numbers,(seed and time) are processed by an algorithm that produces the code you see. The server also knows the seed for your token and the time. It uses the same algorithm so as long as the clocks synchronise, comes up with the same answer. Report It

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